Voyager Tarot Ace of Wands

Are you feeling stuck

in a relationship or in your career?

Are you feeling confused?

Need validation or direction?

Or is it a birthday or special anniversary, and you want to get an idea of what possibilities are in front of you?

I have worked hard to develop and use my intuitive skill to help others.

I use different tools, including the beautiful Voyager Tarot deck or a Lenormand deck, or my own Ultimate Oracle deck, to focus that intuition on a client’s particular question or situation.

Whether it’s providing advice about relationships, living situations, business or career, or answering spiritual questions, I will do my best to give you clarification and directions for you to take charge of your life.

In addition, I can use some of the other tools I’ve trained with to help you get free of whatever’s holding you back: EFT, Sound healing, or my coaching or counseling skills; whichever works for your unique situation.

Voyager Tarot Priestess Want a reading? Schedule one today!

I had a reading from Sue last year that dramatically changed my life. She had a profound insight into the way I carried myself in the world, and when she brought it to my attention, it was a major "aha!" moment for me. Since the reading, my career, health and relationships have blossomed in ways I never dreamed possible. And it all started with Sue's insight and guidance. I am eternally grateful.

Deva    Burlingame, CA   

I’m grateful to Sue for her profound understanding, kindness, intuition, and healing skills. The results of a session with Sue to heal a problem I’ve suffered from for over twenty years were miraculous!

S.K.    Palo Alto, CA   

Sue is able to connect quickly and accurately to give insight one needs to move forward!

S.E.N.    San Jose, CA   

Wow! All I can say is, wow!

C.P.    Mountain View, CA   

Sue was able to confirm feelings that I had but was hesitant about believing. She is very perceptive.

S.R.    Sunnyvale, CA